Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reflection on Homeostasis Stage Essay

This paper contains my view on Homeostasis balance. In particular, I am reviewing the stage where the fetus is starting to respond to the outside world through a facial expressions or controlled movements, denoting pleasure or disgust. The process of a fetus to be able to accumulate capacities of the external world through mother’s body and take it to the higher level with the growth. The newborn already has an organized behavior that includes feelings, needs and phenomenal survival skills with visual, grasping and auditory stimulations. With all that preparedness to step in to the new environment new baby also carries over a habituated behavior. He has a set point. It is the ideal state of a bodily system. If child’s body detects a discomfort then negative feedback is stepping in and trying to keep the body in the previous, most familiar condition. At first, child’s system will detect the change. Then the body will react to the change and finally will try to stabilize the body to the original state. These changes are bringing a discomfort that can include high blood pressure and increase in heart rate. The symptoms can lead to the anxiety if the set point is getting disturbed to often. This process will not happened if bodily system habituated to repetitive stimulation, attuned to the environment and disturbing effects on physiological condition of the child are absent. As an example, I would like to present a case. A mother brings one-year-old infant to the therapy. The reason for it is inability to ride a car since birth. The child has an accelerated anxiety and vomiting when placed in the car or even seeing a car image. Family has a difficult time to function with the child’s condition. It also brings arguments into marital life. Therapist has a result of physical exam that child is in the good health. During the assessment therapist should look for many reasons why the child has such disturbing behavior. If there is an absence of medical conditions in the child then during the assessment counselor should find out chronological steps of relations between child and a car, parents behavior in relation to the car rides. During the assessment the therapist should create a report about family history ( ) and parents past and present medical history. In this case woman suffered from car claustrophobia during pregnancy. Currently she has occasional car claustrophobia attacks. During pregnancy every time she would get in the car the fetus will react to it by increased movements and accelerated heart rate. Mother knew about possibility of her anxiety transferring to the fetus. Unfortunately, she had to function and take a car rides every day. It should be taking into consideration that at this stage infant have a very close connection to a mother. He can hear her voice, feel her breath, responds to the anxiety and calmness. Also he is already seeking and responding to the environmental conditions. In this case the child already achieved the stage of homeostasis. The infant is in need for mother’s ministrations when getting in the car. The frustration and fussiness followed by anxiety appears when mother does not meet his needs. She can’t provide him a care while fighting car claustrophobia. The child can also have a ge netic predisposition. The car claustrophobia transferred to the baby from one of the parent. As a counselor, I will provide the following therapeutic treatment. First of all, baby should have a several CBT session with the desensitization or exposure therapy. Since the baby also has a strong reaction to the car image. Mother should also attend similar CBT sessions. Since, the infant has a strong interconnection with mother repeating her disorder, a â€Å"specificity of regulatory fittedness between a particular infant and particular caregiver† should be established immediately (Sander 1975). Therapist should emphasize that the caregiving routine, especially if related directly to the car, should be carefully examined and changed if needed. I would also recommend to disable the alertness of the baby during the ride, mother should remain in the most calming state as possible, avoid family arguments before getting into the car, keep positive atmosphere while in the car, surround baby with toys and another entertainment tools. I found the sunglasses could be helpful. It blocks the side vision and car door do not even exist. Headphones, music and favored cartoon can be in use for the baby. Since the baby is closely connected to the mother and capable of having a conversational exchange, mother should talk to the baby during the trip.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Cross-Cultural Competency Essay

You have no choice about which culture programs you from birth. So don’t judge others because of their cultural differences from you. All complex societies (such as our own) contain subcultures that share the larger cultural outlook, but have significant differences. The culturally savvy Soldier will take an active interest in any culture he or she works in. ReALLIT: read, ask, look, listen, investigate, and think. Look for styles of interaction/proper behavior, greeting rituals, local dress, daily routines and movements, transportation, eating habits, treatment of children, major or common ceremonies and rituals, and frequencies of young men visible on the street. Soldiers who are not culturally savvy compromise the mission by alienating the locals, or even by creating major crises. All cultures impart huge amounts of information to their members—but often it is information of a different type than we focus on in our culture. Cultures vary greatly around the world. Any generalizations about culture have exceptions. Knowledge of the specific culture is necessary. Individual characteristics and personalities vary greatly within one culture. To attribute one characteristic to everybody in a culture is called stereotyping. Cultural relativism is critical for understanding the locals among whom you work, but some cultural differences, particularly regarding ethics, cannot be brushed aside. Things we hold to be fundamentally wrong—abrogation of human rights, for example—may require us to impose our outsiders’ ethical standards on locals’ behavior. Read materials from the TRADOC Culture Center (like Smartbooks and online trainings), published ethnographies, and popular media of the area; Ask locals already available to you on the FOB, such as interpreters, or culture experts around you, as well as people you meet on patrols; Look at the behavior of locals in markets, on the roads, in meetings on post; Listen to the conversa tions you have access to, as well as local media; Investigate in more depth any questions that come up; and Think about what you know and what you don’t yet know, and how you can find out what you don’t know. Often in non-Western society’s beliefs are not â€Å"beliefs† in the way we think of them and as such are more or less open to modification. Things that we would call beliefs are often thought of by other cultures as just the way things are – matters of fact, not opinion.  Religious belief systems in particular and other aspects of locals’ world view can be driving motivators for conflict; economics is not the only reason people fight. Power Systems In most cultures, any visible formal power structure will lie over a more fundamental, less formal, structure of influence. This underlying power system will often be based on patron-client relations, in which patrons become influential by acquiring clients who owe them favors. Often, this takes a pyramid form as more powerful patrons acquire clients who have clients of their own. Interacting directly with this patron-client power system can be more effective than trying to deal with people in overt formal positions of power. Kinship Kinship is usually much more of a cohesive social force in non-Western societies. Kin group members internalize a corporate identity – the family is viewed as an extension of the self. Often large, pyramid-shaped kin groups – usually descendants of one man (or, rarely, woman) and their dependents – serve to organize political, military, economic, and religious activities. City vs Country People in the city generally have much different ways of living and worldviews than people in the country. Adherence to rural customs may begin to slacken, groups of acquaintances and awareness of the outside world broaden, and people may become more tolerant of others’ beliefs. In the countryside, no matter how remote the region, there will probably be considerable awareness of the outside world, often from men travelling outside to work. Do not underestimate the importance of language in establishing good relations with locals. Taking the time to learn even basic greetings can make a huge difference in establishing rapport. Usually, you are starting at a disadvantage, seen as a stranger with a gun. Using greetings in their own tongue shows locals that you have enough respect for them to make an effort to speak in their language. Failure to communicate is often interpreted as hostility or at least a lack of interest. Learn some of the local language and avoid that misimpressi on. Knowing some of the local’s language can be invaluable in helping you determine if your interpreter is  doing his or her job well. Knowing the language can also give you insights into locals’ conversations, which they may presume you cannot understand. The language barrier is often used as a disguise of local intentions and a tool to maintain separation from outsiders—a sort of built-in everyday code. Switching languages in the course of conversation is known as code switching. In many regions of the world, most people can speak two or even three languages. Use of a second language in the context of a conversation often helps locals maintain ethnic or otherwise specialized identities during social interaction. Generally, use of a particular language in these code-switching contexts shows insider knowledge and positive sentiment toward the culture of the language used. If you use local phrases in your communication, it can send a signal that you value local culture and want to become an insider. Demonstrating that you want to speak the local language will be much more important than your degree of expertise. Impression Management World views can make you or the locals misinterpret behavior Enemy information operations (IO) tactics will strive to take advantage of this fact You need to be very clear and vocal as to why you undertake any action Seek feedback from those impacted by the action (stakeholders) Seek out local’s concepts about Army motivations Hostile IO efforts will seek to spread negative stereotypes of the Army. They may assert that we’re all greedy and looking for material gain, we are ignorant and hostile to all the locals, we are dirty, we are sexually promiscuous, we are excessively violence prone, we don’t really care about the locals, and so on. The best way to combat such stereotypes is to consistently show, by your actions, that they are inaccurate. Most important is the development of trust. Never promise something you are not sure you can deliver. Do everything you say you are going to do and follow up with the locals to be sure they know you did it. In a chaotic environment, be the element of consistency, truthfulness, and reliability. In short order, deception erodes relations with locals. Be aware of and help inform Army IO campaigns in your AO. Have talking points ready if locals argue with you, particularly when there is an audience. Redirect the conversation to local  cultural practices or, if necessary, break off contact once you have made your points, or if a local adversary gets the best of you. Be willing to admit to yourself when this is happening. Though you want to be as conversational as possible with the locals-be transparent enough that they can read for themselves your genuine good intentions-do not continue an argument about military or political issues if it gets too heated, or if you are clearly losing. â€Å"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.† It is much easier for your enemy to malign what you said than to malign what you did not say. Remember, from the point of view of the locals, you are the Army. Mission success often depends on your behavior presenting the Army in the best light. Locals in your area may be receiving propaganda broadcasts and leaflets in foreign languages you do not understand. Usually enemy propaganda campaigns will be carried out in the locals’ language, but often they will be in a language that is secondary but known to the locals. If you notice foreign language broadcasts or print media in your area, make sure the G2 is aware of it. Local insurgents may use clandestine means of communicating with and intimidating locals, such as the infamous â€Å"night letters† left by insurgents in local mosques in Afghanistan. Look for such means of communication if you notice a sudden about-face in the locals regarding U.S. Army initiatives or agreements. Just being attuned to subtleties and complexities of local social situations usually gives the locals the upper hand in assessing the overall situation in the area. Acknowledge this and try to get the locals to share their understanding with you. There are many non-threatening ways to elicit explanations that may substantially change your perception of what is going on in your area. Asking about such non-sensitive subjects such as proper behavior; greeting rituals; local dress; daily routines and movements; transportation; eating habits; treatment of children; and major or common ceremonies, and rituals can help give you a general picture of social life in the area and a backdrop against which to gauge your situational awareness Probe all the methods used by people in your area to make sense of what is going on around them. They may use completely unexpected means of assessing their environment. In Afghanistan, for example, most people can tell what region any given person comes from based solely on facial and bodily features. Help your Soldiers maintain their cool and reserve judgment An uncertain and probably harsh future adds a huge psychological burden In situations of extreme poverty, the power of money increases dramatically. For example, insurgents may be able to influence locals to take what might seem like insane risks for paltry material gains. If we maintain a proper perspective on the impacts of poverty, we can use this fact to our own advantage, winning the cooperation of locals and demonstrating our good will with economic development programs of relatively small scale that will provide tangible benefits quickly. The Practical Implications of Poverty (continued) The perception of poverty can be powerful Relative poverty can have significant psychological and social impacts People who are unable to afford symbols of material success may suffer feelings of personal inferiority People who have relatively low incomes may choose to invest in highly visible items Additional Reading: Perceived disparity in wealth can fuel problems between social groups, particularly when the material differences are not in line with hereditary markers of social status. If a particular racial or ethnic group, for example, suddenly hits on a way to make money that elevates them â€Å"beyond their station† in the traditional hierarchy, the traditionally higher-status folks may become angry and take steps to keep the upstarts â€Å"in their place.† Commonly, those who feel the most resentment are others of the same traditional social status as their lucky, newly wealthy neighbors-â€Å"They’re no better than us, who do they think they are?† Community Influence Power of Wealth Often the power of wealth is used to obtain other, more formal, types of power. In India, for example, it is not uncommon for politicians to send buses out to their rural constituents to take them all for a large feast in the city. It is understood that in exchange for this largesse, the voters will vote the powerful man into political office, whereby he can exert still more influence Influence One can have influence by holding an important position in various types of groups: kinship groups, religious or healing-related groups, groupings based around occupation or land use, age set groups or groups based around education. For example, the most important person in your AO may derive their status in part from being able to perform divinations. If you are not aware that divinations – making decisions, explaining situations, or telling fortunes based on seemingly random occurrences, such as flipping a coin – are important in your AO, you could fail to recognize the most important person for you to influence City and the Country Forms of community influence will differ markedly between the city and the country. Cities tend to be more oriented toward impersonal, economically based influence or western-style â€Å"democratic† governance. At least in the city these things may be more visible. But don’t underestimate the effects of neighborhood-level influence based on patron/client relations, kinship, religion, healing, or trade guilds in the city. As always, take a cultural ReALLIT check to give you the basic lay of the social situation. The more you know about the locals, the smoother your relations with them will progress. Social Stratification Most societies separate their people into ranks of social worth Commonly, one is born into the group and its status Differences in status are often subtle and difficult for an outsider to detect It is important that you try to discover such differences when you deploy Low-status individuals may be the most eager to engage you and try to enter into agreements with you in order to gain what they can from you and enhance their local status. You should engage them and learn what you can from them, but do not be hasty to enter into agreements until you understand the relative status of the people you are dealing with. In South Asia, for example, to enter into an agreement with a low-caste man could discourage later agreements with more influential high-caste men. Long-standing resentments between high-status and low-status groups can fuel conflict Genocidal conflicts have usually centered on co-residing ethnic, religious, or kin groups The group with the superior social status attempts to inflict genocide on those of lower status On a smaller scale, insurgents may exploit  resentment over status differences to recruit locals or to incite destabilizing violence between locals. Since few, if any, Army missions call for destabilizing an area, you generally want to be careful to take local social stratification into account for all of your operations. Simple awareness can help you avoid worsening existing ill feelings between groups. Levels and Sources of Internal conflict These complex webs of allegiances and grievances can make working with locals a very tricky business. This is especially true since disagreements are usually the last thing anybody wants to talk about to outsiders. Particularly in cultures, which place a high value on saving face or public honor, people may not want to say anything that could be taken as disrespectful of their neighbors, even though they may have big problems with them. For this reason, it is desirable when possible to talk to locals out of earshot of others so they may feel freer to hint at conflicts with their neighbors. Any information you can pick up about who gets along and who has a beef with who could be very helpful in carrying out successful engagements and initiatives with the locals. For example, if you know that members of one subgroup are in collusion with insurgents, you will be more likely to find willing partners among that group’s current detractors in a lower-level conflict. Disagreements and cross-purposes regarding ethnicity, politics, religion, kin groups, or economics are likely to exist in even the most placid-seeming community. Such conflicts can revolve around material concerns such as land, inheritance, water rights, death re-compensation, or bride price. Likewise, they may be centered on purely ideational (non-material) concerns such as religious disagreements, a history of fights between groups in the distant past, or discord over the ways children should be educated. Since people in different cultures have different worldviews than our own, elements which might seem insignificant to us could be worth killing or dying for, to them. So do not discount farfetched-sounding explanations for local conflict until you have learned enough about the culture to judge. In fact, if you can get locals talking about any conflict past or present, you can learn a great deal about their culture in a short time.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Johnnie Walker Marketing Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Johnnie Walker Marketing Strategies - Essay Example Its annual sale grosses one hundred and thirty million bottles globally. The sale of the Scottish whisky in the United States and in China two of the leading global economies portray different marketing strategies that have sustained the company’s success to date in the two regions. International marketing strategy International marketing refers to the marketing function of the management but on a global perspective. International brands such as the Johnnie Walker must have strategic marketing features in order to earn them an effective access of the global market. As an established brand, the company must employ specific features in order to improve its market share (Blackshaw 31). Viewing the entire world as a single market requires the consideration of particular demographic factors in order to facilitate the cost effective and profitable production. The United States and the people’s republic of China are two distinct regions with different cultures. This implies th at the market in the two countries differ and therefore requires diverse management operations. Johnnie Walker employs different international marketing strategies in the two regions some of which are similar while others differ. The company produces different products under the same name. The company brand has more than twenty labels including Johnnie Walker XR 21, Johnnie Walker Black Label Keep Walking New Zealand, Johnnie Walker Black Label Project Black Inspiration, Double Black and the current Johnnie Walker Ginger among several others. The diversification of the brand is a universal marketing strategy that earns each label a specific market. This way, the company expands its market strategy owing to the fact that its products target various markets. The production of various labels is a strategy the company employs in both China and in the United States among its other various international markets (Kotler and & Kevin 91). This way, the company perpetually sustains and grows its market share. America is a country with myriad cultures owing to the conglomeration of its population. This implies that the population of the country has different drinking cultures a feature that influences the consumption of the product, China on the other hand predictable drinking culture arising from its definite backgrounds. However, the two countries have equal economic potential and a rising living standards. Booth economies are industrial with diminishing poverty levels. The countries are therefore offer potential markets for the brand. This explains the company’s endeavors to obtain pieces of the growing markets (Lane 61). The Johnnie Walker whisky brand has existed in the United States for more than fifty years. This implies that the company has a definite market. It therefore carries out progressive market researches and determines better ways of doing business in order to compete with other younger brands. However, the company has both a reputation and a dist inctive market. The company franchises its products in the country (Fournier 41). The Chinese market on the other hand has not had a historical experience of the brand of whisky. Diageo recently launched high society brands of the whisky in Beijing China. This explains that the company targets the high society unlike in the United States where it dispenses several brands affordable to various economic classes. Current marketing strategy

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Edward Gibbon and his contribution to Historiography Research Paper

Edward Gibbon and his contribution to Historiography - Research Paper Example In order to know more about him comprehensively, we have to answer questions about who he was, what drove him to write, and what perceptions of his work were adopted by both his contemporaries and modern day readers. The term historiography refers to the theory and history of writing.1 It can also be defined as the academic prospect of writing history and how historians came to understand these records.2 Due to the complexity and inaccuracy associated with historical study, historiography thus enables us to identify and appreciate these discrepancies in a bid to find the truth. It also helps us gain insight on humanity; the knowledge that would enable us to avoid mistakes made in the past that led to catastrophes and borrow those that were beneficial.3 For example, the study of the fall of the Roman Empire would easily be relevant in the modern day superpowers and thus the statement; history repeats itself. The historiography’s progression, and its methods and conception, chan ged and developed substantially. All of the past sources of history, to the seventeenth century started accumulating in the enlightenment period. One of the major influential historians and academician of the period was Edward Gibbon. Edward Gibbon (April 27, 1737-January 16, 1794) was a historian in the 18th century, and his writing on history was an important element among his contemporaries and is still an important topic of study in modern day academic scholars of historiography.4 In his life time he served as a soldier during the English seven-year war, managed his family’s business and was also a member of parliament. He was born in Putney, England in a period of ‘enlightenment.’ Edward Gibbon was born April 27, 1737 to Edward and Judith Gibbon in Putney, London, England5. He was raised as the only child after his six siblings died at infancy. His father was an heir to an affluent family.6 During this period, there was a wide revolutionary thinking on the p erception and acceptance of Christian theology and church dogma. He was born to an affluent family, according to the standards of the period; his early education was profound, as demonstrated by his ability to engage in scholastic research and writing at a relatively young age.7 His childhood was marred by poor health and he describes himself as â€Å"a weakly child† and nearly succumbed to death several times. He was vastly ignored by his parents who were occupied with their social life and was abandoned to inadequate caregivers who were household servants and physicians.8 One of the ways that he uses method or conception from the past is evident in the classical period. By the Enlightenment and eighteen century, we find that Classical writers have been highly common in academic all over the European continent, with similarities in all his works, from writers of the ancient Rome and Greece. A Greek writer, Heredotus, wrote â€Å"The Persian Wars’ that has the theme o f geography and ethnography, of the Near East people. Gibbon also appears to have the same theses in the â€Å"He is popular for several publications, but the major one is the ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,’ by the manner in which he comprehends all the Europe’s ‘barbaric’ people. In addition, another idea that he appears to have adopted from the ancient Greece is that of universal history; this idea

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Joan of Arc (1929) visual analyses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Joan of Arc (1929) visual analyses - Essay Example I feel that Dreyer actually did a unique job to develop eloquent interpretations from visual objects to life situations and to other artworks. The use of photography and pictures Dreyer uses a portrait of Mile Falconetti to reveal the faith that guided the lady knight of France. The sadness portrayed in this picture seems very real and at some point, as tears roll down her cheeks, the eyes widen at hearing something from the old, cultured men who question her pitilessly. The interesting part revealed here is that, though it happened 500 years back, when anyone takes a seat in the Little Carnegie Theatre, looking at this extraordinary motion picture, he or she is torn between hate and pity. The face of Mile with her closely collected hair is at first persuasive but startling (Warner 56). Her brown skin, the staring eyes, her lips free from rouge but which look dry, all resemble the girl of the soil. However, as the picture continues, one realizes in the sensitive elements something re ally magnetic, specifically the irregular glance of hope. Her expression does not tighten a feature, and when she is steadfast in her faith, no movement of the jaws is portrayed, but regularly by her eyes. No signs of revenge or bitterness, but she is confident with the responses to her inquisitors. The photography used by Dreyer pulls ever jot of fury, disdain, and impatience from the soldiers and clerics. The whiplash pulls touching extreme to touching extreme to give the movie its raw authority, but it is positively wearing for the viewer. Personally, I felt drained after watching the movie, which means I was deeply invested in the emotional turmoil by Joan throughout the movie. The use of the camera Mile Falconetti is outstanding in the way she answers questions, and Dreyer darts at different places of the stage with his camera. Sometimes he reveals Jeanne in a turn of the room with the huge heads and tinier heads in the foreground. He brings out something that is happening and then flashes somewhere else to other heads. All this is achieved without fadeouts or dissolves in such an efficient way that whichever the angle from which the scenes are viewed, it is ever satisfactory and not in any way impressionistic or tricky. It is a fact that a curious feat, the way in which this movie is pictured, with its numerous close-ups, it is very thoroughly matched to this specific subject. Nevertheless, the weakness in the film can be seen here, noting that it is doubtful if this screen method would effectively suit any other story (Warner 72). The camera is frequently placed at exaggerated angles, and faces are often cropped so firmly as to forcefully defy a character’s individual space. Further, edits in between shots are mostly had no coherence. This means that the camera could go between the questioner and Joan without minding to care if it seems like they are really facing each other. Since the shots are framed so firmly on every frame, each movement wave s into great touching pay-offs. In this sense therefore, interties are almost useless when the camera bores into the soul of every character. I agree that the all-purpose lack of interties actually made the best part of the film and kept the pace from deteriorating. Costumes The Danish director in this film makes the most of long phrases of the costumes or garments of the priest in the foreground on a single side of the barrow’

Monday, August 26, 2019

See the pic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

See the pic - Essay Example Customers are engaged in real time through social media like twitter and facebook. A market integration in sugar allows creation and management of marketing programs to particular customers. Customers also enjoy the use of software they use daily in their lives since they integrate into Sugar CRM. The software includes the Word, Outlook or Excel. The Dun&Bradstreet component of sugar allows the management to have a complete view of the customer properties requests and insights. Sugar can import all the business contacts from Gmail, Google and IMAP into one place. Sugar provides a complete sales forecast for the business. Sugar presents forecasting for each item that can be formatted to specific periods. It also gives the management achievement quotas and other functionality scenario simulations. Due to increase in smartphone use, sugar has mobile CRM that allows on-the-go use through native Android and iOS applications. All these functionalities have a customer-service portal for bug reports, trouble tickets, and an FAQ section. All these features are elegantly presented in a multiple homepage dashboard that have monthly outcome pipelines, lead sources categorized by opportunities and sales pipelines. These results can be presented to the management or customer through customizable charts, dashboards and reports that are generated

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Financial Appraisal of Design Options Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Financial Appraisal of Design Options - Essay Example This compares with 4.15% for Option 1 and 7.4% for Option 3. Option 1 has the highest profit among all three options. Considering the circumstances, Option 2 causes the least change in terms of density, as it is a design intended to be complementary to existing developments in the area. It is the least of all options in terms of density but the changes in mixed-used areas and the reduction in rents and prices make its basic value lower than the other two options. Shop rental is  £200/m2 while office rental is  £160/m2. In this case, building more shops will gain more profits. Option 1 has more shops proposed and so expected loss of profits is least. Moreover, Option 1 contains more mixed-used elements than the other two options and thus My preference is Option 1 as it will generate the highest profits among the three options. The gross development value of this option is also the highest compared with the other two and its financial viability is much better as profits are the most stable among all the options. Financial appraisal of Option 1 shows a relatively-high profit of  £9,291,385, 54.01% at the end. It is still possible for Option 1 to change during its final detailed design such as a multi-story car park altered to underground car parking. This will definitely increase the building cost but will provide a new additional 840 m2 vacant area. This area can be designed for business use and generate still more profits based on the sites original planning guidance. But on the other hand, a drawback of Option 1 is obviously its high construction costs as all the materials used will be high-class to attain its high value in the future. Some materials can be of lower quality to reduce construction costs. At any rate, Option 1 has a high-profit level so even if portions of it are reduced, there is still the possibility of providing more open green spaces or public parks to increase the attractions and appeal of the place to  the general public.

A woman who changed the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A woman who changed the world - Essay Example She did so many things to change the world with the most renown being a very passionate advocate of planting trees. She was concerned about the rapid increase in deforestation and the adverse effects it was having on the environment and she made it her work to campaign for planting trees. The other thing is that she gave hope and encouragement to the women pursuing higher education. She did this through attainment of her PhD as well as the numerous other education paths she took in the men infested domains without fear or failure. She also encouraged women worldwide to be achievers hence the starting of the Nobel Women’s initiative worldwide (Maathai 127). Her life though cut short in 2011 has taught me that women should not let anything bring them down or deter them from changing the world. She did not let the political challenges in her country or her poor backgrounds bring her down. She also did not let the fact that she was a female and a mother prevents her from succeeding in every endeavor she chose. I also learnt that women in powerful position should use it to assist the other women. Lastly, I learnt from her than anything is possible with hard work and determination no matter the race, gender or nationality. Wangari Mathaai was indeed a feminist. Even though her feminism was not so pronounced later on in her career, she was one at heart and openly for that matter. While she was a lecturer in the University of Nairobi, she openly advocated for the equal rights of women in leadership and education (Maathai 186). She did this without any fear. She also advocated for women to be granted equal rights in politics and well as in environmental sector when she joined politics and this saw many women follow in her footsteps and achieve greatly as a result of her feminism. Class readings talk about feminists who are not only involved in lobbying work but whose

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personnel Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personnel Management - Case Study Example It is the human capital that drives the organizations' performance, hence playing a key role in all transformation efforts. In ACME Engineering knowledge management is managed by ensuring that people are left to enjoy what they do this is demonstrated the value attached to the people and the underlying principle of treating workers as a critical part of the organization. ACME Engineering embraces a multicultural approach, which easily deals with any emerging cross-cultural barriers. As long as workers are assigned the duties which allow them to practice their skills they will feel utilized well and do not stand a chance of moving out of the organization, say, in search of greener pastures. The fact that ACME encourages a relaxed work pace with the training which goes on in ACME, workers add to their existing knowledge, it leaves in them a sense of development and growth. In ACME a culture of belon... want to make decisions aimed at maintaining and managing the best talent at all costs for an organization can not afford the costs which come with high job turn over. Therefore strategic human resource management maximizes an organizations performance through the following: Strategic Planning. This involves implementation processes, which link the long-term goals of the organization with practical action plans. This results into activities and initiatives which aim at guiding the organization's growth. ACME as a company has gone out of the way in linking long-term goals through recruiting the majority of its workforce within the age group of 25-30 years. ACME encourages workers to see the opportunities ahead for such exist in the organization and they are made aware that they are the beneficiaries. These have a positive strategic role to play in the organization. When other organizations who recruited at the same time as ACME will be sending workers home through retirement, ACME will still be enjoying the fruits of its strategic planning because it may keep it's most experienced workforce say for as many as six or so extra years due to the age of its initial batch of recruits. Workforce Planning.Human resource managers must address the ever-changing workforce requirements. To achieve this goal, models should be developed bearing in mind the unique needs of each organization. As an organization, ACME has its own unique challenges but its version of strategic human resource management seems to be working well for it. How else do you explain its unique grading and appraising system whereby employees can raise even in the same job group to an extent of getting an extra 40% pay rise The fact that the organization encourages an open communication policy is a